Reminiscence Collections
Memory Box Loan Handling Collections
Rotherham - St Peters Resource Centre Creative Reminiscence Collection
Sheffield - Sheffcare Creative Reminiscence Collection
Suitcase of Memories
If you have used the Creative Reminiscence Collection we would love to hear your feedback
What People Are Saying
“We really enjoyed todays session. The folks who come love to chat and having objects from their past really helps to start the conversation. We also learnt about music and making a personalised playlist for our clients which was great. I knew music was a great tool but didn’t realise it could do so much.”
— Volunteer at Firth Park Memory Cafe
“I love the idea of having different themed boxes with objects in as a starting point to creativity. I work in dementia care and having a creative resource will enable me to do my job better. Giving a person living with dementia an opportunity to express themself is vital to person centred care.”
— The Montgomery Intergenerational Event
“We loved the wedding box. I got so excited that we put a whole wedding themed event on with a wedding cake and songs. We donated some of the things we’d bought to add to the collection to make it even more special. The wedding dresses definitely cause a stir.”